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create_mesh_subplots - using view_mesh, display subplots of mesh results


function create_mesh_subplots(hvol, hoffset, ROIs, ROI, plot_title, timepoint)


 create_mesh_subplots - using view_mesh, display subplots of mesh results

 Usage: create_mesh_subplots(hvol, hoffset, ROIs, ROI, plot_title, timepoint)
    hvol - h volume output from selxavg-sess, loaded from h bshorts
    hoffset - h-offset volume, loaded from the h-offset bshorts
    ROIs - a ROI structure with at least three elements:
        designtype - either "blocked" or "event-related"
        nconditions - number of conditions (excluding fixation)
        mesh_type - 1 for display in raw scanner units
                2 for display in percent signal change
    ROI - your ROI in the standard format
    plot_title - (optional) title of the plot
    timepoint - (optional) timepoint to plot for FIR analyses

 create_mesh_subplots allows the user the display the results of the FS-FAST
 program selxavg-sess for a particular ROI in the form of a "surface" plot,
 where high and low values are mapped to high and low points in a 3D space, 
 respectively.  Note that for this surface to be possible, your ROI
 must be rectangular, must be on only one slice, and must be contiguous.
 create_mesh_subplots does these plots for all conditions 
 (excluding fixation).

 See also view_mesh for plotting of one condition at a time.

 This function is part of froi, available from,
 and is governed under the Artistic License.

 $Id: create_mesh_subplots.m,v 1.3 2003/09/24 22:40:12 nknouf Exp $


This function calls:

This function is called by:



0001 function create_mesh_subplots(hvol, hoffset, ROIs, ROI, plot_title, timepoint)
0002 % create_mesh_subplots - using view_mesh, display subplots of mesh results
0003 %
0004 % Usage: create_mesh_subplots(hvol, hoffset, ROIs, ROI, plot_title, timepoint)
0005 % where:
0006 %    hvol - h volume output from selxavg-sess, loaded from h bshorts
0007 %    hoffset - h-offset volume, loaded from the h-offset bshorts
0008 %    ROIs - a ROI structure with at least three elements:
0009 %        designtype - either "blocked" or "event-related"
0010 %        nconditions - number of conditions (excluding fixation)
0011 %        mesh_type - 1 for display in raw scanner units
0012 %                2 for display in percent signal change
0013 %    ROI - your ROI in the standard format
0014 %    plot_title - (optional) title of the plot
0015 %    timepoint - (optional) timepoint to plot for FIR analyses
0016 %
0017 % create_mesh_subplots allows the user the display the results of the FS-FAST
0018 % program selxavg-sess for a particular ROI in the form of a "surface" plot,
0019 % where high and low values are mapped to high and low points in a 3D space,
0020 % respectively.  Note that for this surface to be possible, your ROI
0021 % must be rectangular, must be on only one slice, and must be contiguous.
0022 % create_mesh_subplots does these plots for all conditions
0023 % (excluding fixation).
0024 %
0025 % See also view_mesh for plotting of one condition at a time.
0026 %
0027 % This function is part of froi, available from,
0028 % and is governed under the Artistic License.
0029 %
0030 % $Id: create_mesh_subplots.m,v 1.3 2003/09/24 22:40:12 nknouf Exp $
0032 %% argument checking
0033 if (nargin < 5)
0034     plot_title = 'Surface Plots for All Conditions';
0035     timepoint = 1;
0036 elseif (nargin < 6)
0037     timepoint = 1;
0038 end
0040 %% get subplot dimensions
0041 [rowNum, colNum] = subplot_lookup(ROIs.nconditions);
0043 %% what's our current condition number?
0044 currCond = 1;
0046 %% what's our vector of handles?
0047 handles = [];
0049 %% what's our vector of axes?
0050 axis_list = [];
0052 %% what's our vector of z axis limits?
0053 zaxis_lim = [];
0055 %% convert our hemodynamic volume
0056 fprintf('converting hemodynamic data...\n');
0057 [hvol, hstd, numSamples] = convert_hvolume(hvol, ROIs.nconditions);
0059 if (strncmp(ROIs.designtype, 'blocked', 7) && ~(numSamples == 1))
0060     oops(1000);
0061 end
0063 %% loop through each subplot and plot the appropriate data
0064 for i=1:rowNum
0065     for j=1:colNum
0066         currCond = currCond + 1;
0068         %% make sure we aren't calling view_mesh for more conditions
0069         if (currCond > (ROIs.nconditions + 1))
0070             currCond = currCond - 1;
0071             break;
0072         end
0074         %% get handles to current plots
0075         h = subplot(rowNum, colNum, currCond - 1);
0076         a = gca;
0078         %% save handles for later
0079         handles = [handles h];
0080         axis_list = [axis_list a];
0081         clear a, h;
0083         %% actually display the mesh
0084         view_mesh(hvol, hoffset, ROIs, ROI, currCond);
0085         axis equal;
0087         %% get axis limits
0088         junk = axis;
0089         axis_lim = junk(1,5:6);
0090         axis_lim = reshape(axis_lim, 2, 1);
0091         zaxis_lim = [zaxis_lim axis_lim];
0092     end
0093 end
0095 %% find min and max of axes
0096 min_z = min(min(zaxis_lim));
0097 max_z = max(max(zaxis_lim));
0099 %% loop through number of subplots
0100 %% setup viewing parameters
0101 for i=1:(currCond - 1)
0102     current_handle = handles(1,i);
0103     current_axis = axis_list(1, i);
0104     subplot(current_handle);
0106     command = sprintf('title(''Condition %d'')',i);
0107     eval(command);
0108     caxis([min_z, max_z]);
0109     axis equal;
0110     axis([-inf inf -inf inf min_z max_z]);
0111 end
0113 fprintf('displaying results...\n');
0115 %% need to correct the following functions; leaving out for now
0116 %%subplot_title(plot_title);
0117 %%subplot_colorbar(min_z, max_z);

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